Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ponds Skin Care Products for My Hair/My Hair STATS

Hair Type:  4C Its coily (in its natural state)
Chemically Treated: Yes Relaxed
Natural Color: Black/Gray
Porosity Level: High 
Length: Shoulder length when straightened and Earlobe length when in a twist-out. 
Next Scheduled Relaxer: April 1, 2014

With a typecasting of 4C in its natural state my hair is tightly coiled. Thus in its natural state my hair tends to be dry, tightly packs upon introduction to water, and is a challenge to manage.  

Having tightly coiled hair, the only way I have found thus far to manage my hair is to use a relaxer to loosen the curl pattern. However, I have found that relaxing my hair bone straight is not a good option for my hair so in 2012 I began "texlaxing" my hair every 12 to 16 weeks.   

The below picture depicts the results I achieved on my texlaxed hair after I deep cleansed and removed 10 flat twist from my hair. (My ends were not rolled).  This photo celebrates the first 30 Days of using Ponds Cold Cream to Deep Cleanse my hair and Pond Dry Skin Cream to Moisturize my hair.

The initial twist out removal for my hair is pretty flat as my hair is thin. However, my weekly maintenance routine fluffs it up to cuteness. 

To see how I maintain this style and what products I use,  purchase my super affordable video $3.00 video: 

At 24 years of age, I noticed my hair started turning gray in the same spot on my head which I first noticed my mothers gray hairs on her head.  My father had a head full of gray hair. So if gray hair is hereditary, then you may have to start calling me Ms. White.  

In a nutshell, I have a significant amount of gray hair all over my head with my hairline being the most prominent area.  Frequent semi permanent rinses help me somewhat ignore that reality. 

After defining these characteristics of my hair, my research determined I have high porosity hair.  

My hair is no doubt not unique, there are plenty of women who I am certain contend with these same issues. Couple the fact that I live in an arid climate with hard water adds two additional hair issues to the mix. 

Since I am now using Ponds Cold Cream to cleanse my hair and Ponds Dry Skin Cream to moisturize my hair,  I could possibly stop relaxing and go natural.  We will see. 

Buy the $3.00 instructional video on my Deep Cleansing Process at my store Vik Thatchik on 

For weekly updates on my hair: Check out my You Tube Channel

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