Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Good Bye Hair Gel... Hello Aloe Vera Gel

I have omitted the gel that I assumed was alcohol free that I found at a discount store.  The Gel did not say no alcohol. So the assumption is my error.  What the gel did have is Sorbitol in it which is a "sugar alcohol" which to me equals dryness.  Although I was moisturizing my hair daily and only used the gel once a week after a deep cleanse, once I found out Sorbitol was a sugar alcohol I decided to ax the hair product from my regimen.  I have since been using Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel.  

I had to look at the name several times before I realized they were slick with the name.  The product does not say 100% Aloe Vera Gel.  As if it was 100% Aloe Vera Gel, then I assume the product would look like this:

I will give them a pass for the slick marketing.  What's interesting is I found a product that did posit that it is 100% Aloe Vera Gel but at the time of this writing it cost $68.86 on  Really?  Umm I don't think so.  I love my hair, but I am not that serious.    

I am still figuring this Twist Out thing out, but I have to keep it 100 and share my progress.

Next up.... Flexirod set.

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