Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Honey and Olive Oil Deep Treatment

My video A Week in My Hair Life details how I use Honey and Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a Deep Moisturizing Treatment during my Hair Steaming session.

The vitamins and minerals in honey are quite impressive.  I will not bore you the nutritional details simply because we are talking about hair here.  However, if you must know more and are intrigued The Buzz About Honey is a good article to start with.

While Honey lacks Biotin which is touted by many as the growth serum for hair, I find I need a topical approach as the hair supplements I have taken thus far causes my skin to break out.

Some research suggest that honey has bleaching properties as it  so while using it weekly may not be the best alternative, I see no reason why my hair can not have an occasional sweet treat!

What I found most intriguing about Honey is in addition to all its glory, the following properties make Honey a permanent resident in my very minimal product list of hair care products.

  1. Honey is Hygroscopic. When exposed to air, honey naturally absorbs moisture from the air. Since I live in one of the most arid climates in the U.S.  This is an added bonus.  
  2. Honey is Antibacterial. During nectar processing bees introduce the enzyme glucose oxidase that produces the antibacterial, antimicrobial hydrogen peroxide.  Thus honey has been said to lighten hair. I now know why they call it Honey Blond.  So does this mean with frequent use my hair will look like this?   

The ratio I use for my treatment is about 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Since I already have honey on hand, I will use up what I have before I splurge on a more expensive brand.  Since I now know my hair and scalp loves honey, it has awesome antibacterial properties, and my hair loves it, I am willing to spend a few extra peso's for an organic raw honey.   2/8/14 was my very first treatment.  I am so glad I decided to give honey and olive mixed as a deep treatment a try.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Struggle

So I thought I would share my hair as it is before I Deep Cleanse with Ponds Cold Cream.  The crown of my hair is thin, thus the lack of fullness.  I try to compensate for this thin area by wearing handbands... the Struggle

 Photo below taken with a mobile device...


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Good Bye Hair Gel... Hello Aloe Vera Gel

I have omitted the gel that I assumed was alcohol free that I found at a discount store.  The Gel did not say no alcohol. So the assumption is my error.  What the gel did have is Sorbitol in it which is a "sugar alcohol" which to me equals dryness.  Although I was moisturizing my hair daily and only used the gel once a week after a deep cleanse, once I found out Sorbitol was a sugar alcohol I decided to ax the hair product from my regimen.  I have since been using Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel.  

I had to look at the name several times before I realized they were slick with the name.  The product does not say 100% Aloe Vera Gel.  As if it was 100% Aloe Vera Gel, then I assume the product would look like this:

I will give them a pass for the slick marketing.  What's interesting is I found a product that did posit that it is 100% Aloe Vera Gel but at the time of this writing it cost $68.86 on Amazon.com.  Really?  Umm I don't think so.  I love my hair, but I am not that serious.    

I am still figuring this Twist Out thing out, but I have to keep it 100 and share my progress.

Next up.... Flexirod set.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

If You Wear a Wig...Please Do This

Back in the day, someone I knew referred to my mother 's wig as a "helmet".  My response was "um she is not going into battle."   But that was in the 80's, I now think "Maybe she was!"

Taking care of your hair properly is a battle within the war! If not armed properly you could definitely lose in terms of dryness and breakage.  Dryness and breakage are two of the primary reasons why it "appears" that your hair is not growing.  Your hair grows.  Length retention is the area where most women struggle.

Rocking a helmet or wig is perfectly fine. I actually have a two piece lace front that I have not yet figured out how to put together.  I think it has to be sewn in.

Anyway, if you wear a wig, then please take care of your hair underneath.  I know of one woman who told me she sleeps in her wig and did nothing to her hair underneath.  She also wore the drawstring pieces as full wigs, I think she had a little head.  Some days I could see her hair underneath, it was natural and dry as a bone.

If your hair is natural, The Vik Thatchik Method works on 4C hair.

Following are my Top 3 suggestions for taking care of your hair especially if you wear a wig.
  1.  Purchase my videos at:  https://vikthatchik.selz.com/    
  2.  Cleanse your Weekly Hair using the Vik Thatchik Method        $3.00
  3.  Use the process I created in the Week in my Hair Life video     $5.00

Buy this on Selz Sell digital downloads on Selz Buy this on Selz Sell digital downloads on Selz

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ponds Skin Care Products for My Hair/My Hair STATS

Hair Type:  4C Its coily (in its natural state)
Chemically Treated: Yes Relaxed
Natural Color: Black/Gray
Porosity Level: High 
Length: Shoulder length when straightened and Earlobe length when in a twist-out. 
Next Scheduled Relaxer: April 1, 2014

With a typecasting of 4C in its natural state my hair is tightly coiled. Thus in its natural state my hair tends to be dry, tightly packs upon introduction to water, and is a challenge to manage.  

Having tightly coiled hair, the only way I have found thus far to manage my hair is to use a relaxer to loosen the curl pattern. However, I have found that relaxing my hair bone straight is not a good option for my hair so in 2012 I began "texlaxing" my hair every 12 to 16 weeks.   

The below picture depicts the results I achieved on my texlaxed hair after I deep cleansed and removed 10 flat twist from my hair. (My ends were not rolled).  This photo celebrates the first 30 Days of using Ponds Cold Cream to Deep Cleanse my hair and Pond Dry Skin Cream to Moisturize my hair.

The initial twist out removal for my hair is pretty flat as my hair is thin. However, my weekly maintenance routine fluffs it up to cuteness. 

To see how I maintain this style and what products I use,  purchase my super affordable video $3.00 video: 

At 24 years of age, I noticed my hair started turning gray in the same spot on my head which I first noticed my mothers gray hairs on her head.  My father had a head full of gray hair. So if gray hair is hereditary, then you may have to start calling me Ms. White.  

In a nutshell, I have a significant amount of gray hair all over my head with my hairline being the most prominent area.  Frequent semi permanent rinses help me somewhat ignore that reality. 

After defining these characteristics of my hair, my research determined I have high porosity hair.  

My hair is no doubt not unique, there are plenty of women who I am certain contend with these same issues. Couple the fact that I live in an arid climate with hard water adds two additional hair issues to the mix. 

Since I am now using Ponds Cold Cream to cleanse my hair and Ponds Dry Skin Cream to moisturize my hair,  I could possibly stop relaxing and go natural.  We will see. 

Buy the $3.00 instructional video on my Deep Cleansing Process at my store Vik Thatchik on Selz.com. 

For weekly updates on my hair: Check out my You Tube Channel

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ponds Hair Care is The Best Investment in Your Hair

Before I started using Ponds Cold Cream and Ponds Dry Skin Cream to care for my hair, my hair was dry and breaking.  My hair was growing but just not producing the look and feel I wanted.  

You see, since November 2011, I had been on a hair care journey and had learned some very valuable techniques to care for my hair, but I could not find the product to combat dryness.  Having "tex-laxed hair" I needed moisture but was not getting the results I wanted in terms of my hair feeling supple.  I knew silky hair was not an option for my hair type, but I felt supple feeling hair was attainable. 

The process for my hair regimen was in place and being executed flawlessly but the journey for "that product" for my hair was seemingly futile.  I had spent hours watching YouTube and trying products suggested by other YouTube Hair Gurus.  I tried many of the suggested products and felt like I was becoming a hair product junkie.  

Couple my dry hair with other stressors and I started sleeping in my makeup.  Of course the result of that was pimples and blackheads on my face.  I was out of control.   I did not want to pay a monthly fee for the latest beauty product or hair product so I went back to what had always worked for my face in the past, Ponds Cold Cream and Ponds Dry Skin Cream.   Since I know that hair and skin have the same components I decided to try the Ponds Products on my hair.  I figured I had nothing to lose at this point. 

To date it has been 38 days since I embarked on this journey of using Ponds Cold Cream and Ponds Dry Skin Cream to care for my hair and face and I am very pleased with my progress.  

The first photo is me on December 28 before I started using Ponds ... the day I hit rock bottom for the last time with my hair.  The back of my hair was in a ponytail, but if you look closely you can see how dry it is on the ends....what you can't see though are the little pimples and blackheads on my face. 

This is my hair 37 days later... my skin is looking great too!

Learn how to deep cleanse and moisturize your dry hair by visiting my store at  Vikthatchik.selz.com and purchase my videos.  

To learn my deep cleansing method for your hair, purchase:
Vik Thatchik Ponds Cold Cream Deep Cleansing Method

At only $3.00 this investment will yield you high returns with minimal risk. Learn the method to care for your dry hair and create your own hair care regimen.

Also subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Vik Thatchik for weekly updates on my hair.  New Videos are uploaded every Sunday.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

30 Days of Hair Care with Ponds Cold Cream and Ponds Dry Skin Cream

Today officially ends the challenge of my  weekly ritual of cleansing my hair with Ponds Cold Cream and moisturizing my hair with Ponds Dry Skin Cream.  30 days ago on Facebook I created an event for myself. The challenge was to use Ponds Cold Cream and Ponds Dry Skin Cream in the place of the usual products I had been using on my hair for 30 days.  

The styling products I used were gel and water.  For sheen, I used coconut oil and Haitian Black Castor Oil. To maintain a style with no heat appliances and low manipulation, my hair was worn in a twist-out throughout the week.  

Creating the Ponds 30 Day Challenge event on Facebook kept me accountable to not only myself but anyone else who was paying attention.  I got 4 attendees and a personal commitment to change my hair care regimen.  I'll be blunt when I say my hair regimen up to 30 days ago, was okay.  I now know my new regimen is top notch. 

Now I might add that I am learning as I go with the twist out.   Anyone who has ever attempted a twist-out knows there are some failures with this style.  Bobby pins and headbands are good resources to combat twist-out fails.  Trust me there were a few fails along the way.

Overall, I am very happy with my hair and my hair care regimen I created.  Oh and my face is too. I use these products as part of my skin care regimen
for my face. Two for the price of one for real, for real.