Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hair Cleanse with Ponds Deep Cleansing Cream

Six months ago I embarked on a journey into self discovery. This journey of 1,000 miles began with the first step using Ponds Deep Cleansing Cream instead of shampoo.  

Uncharted territory using this product, but not totally foreign.  You see I had been co-washing my hair for the past two years but still using shampoo once a week. 

However, this new journey involved a abrupt departure of completely eliminating shampoo and using a creamy oil based cleanser to cleanse my coils. 

 At the beginning of my journey, my hair was Texlaxed and my name was Blacquel Welch. Blacquel Welch is on sabbatical. The moment I reacquainted myself with my love of seafoam green and popped that seafoam green top on the jar of Ponds, Vik Thatchik emerged.    

Vintage footage of the initial process I created for Deep Cleansing my Hair with Ponds...Filmed January 4, 2014