Friday, May 30, 2014

You Moisturize your hair with what? Vintage Video of my Night Time Routine

It's been a long time since I left you, without a dope beat to step to... "Timbaland"  
Oh I just had to say that.  

The following video is part of the process that started it all...
With Typo's and all, I present you Vintage Footage of my Night Time Routine using Ponds Dry Skin Cream  to care for my hair. 

Now I know some will say, "Why in the hell is she using Ponds on her hair, isn't that for your face?"  

Well Ponds has these key ingredients:

Occlusives- Help to prevent moisture from leaving the skin. 

Humectants- Deeply Hydrates to keep moisture within the skin.

So I know are saying " Duh, skin and hair are two different parts of your body?"  

My answer is no, hair and skin are from the same system in the body so why can't I use one product to care for my hair and skin?